We love quality
Certificate number 2024AELS-304
AELS holds two AFRA accreditations by complying to the AFRA Best Management Practices (BMP) Guides. These guides assure the following.
- AELS enhanced safety developments throughout the supply chain and will proactively discover whether an aircraft or aircraft part has been involved in an airworthiness event involving unusual heat, stress or abnormal environmental conditions.
- BMP Guide for recycling of aircraft materials provides practical solutions. It assures that AELS processes are performed in a safe and environmentally responsible fashion.
ASA Accreditation
The ASA Accreditation Program (ASAAP) is a 36 month audit program based on the ASA-100 Standard. The standard was created to comply with the FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 00-56B, the Voluntary Industry Distributor Accreditation Program. ASA-100 emphasizes issues such as impartiality, competence, and reliability – all specific to the regulated needs of the aerospace industry.
VIHB Number
Companies which collect or transport waste (industrial or hazardous) on a professional basis or which arrange for disposal or recovery of waste (industrial or hazardous) for others must be registered on the Dutch list of Vervoerders, Inzamelaars, Handelaren en Bemiddelaars (VIHB) of waste (Dutch for Collectors, Transporters, Dealers and Brokers of waste). Being on this list shows that AELS fulfills the three criteria. These criteria are, reliability, creditworthiness and professional competence.