AELS - We love aircraft parts
Expect more from AELS
We offer over 10,000 parts. You can find parts removed from our own A320, A330, A340, 737, 747, and 757 aircraft. Every part is currently in stock and fully traceable.
Our paperwork is always in order so we can ship your part the very same day. The entire experience is hassle free.
Our Sales Team
We love to sell aircraft parts
We love to sell aircraft parts
Buy aircraft parts hassle free
- Over 10,000 parts in stock
- Full trace – complete paperwork
- Warranty on every part
- Same day shipping
More parts, fast service, no hassle
AELS removes more aircraft parts than our competitors, so there’s a better chance you will find exactly what you are looking for. We sell both serviceable parts and parts in “as removed” condition.
The serviceable parts are sent to a repair shop for repair, overhaul and testing. You can buy these parts with a 6-12-month warranty, depending on the check performed.
You can also buy parts in an “as removed” condition and send them to a repair shop yourself. We guarantee that these parts are repairable. If not, we will credit the full amount.
- Same day shipping
- Warranty on all parts
- Fresh shop tag
- Full trace PPW